jovoto is a co-creation & open innovation platform helping organizations gain access to customer-centric solutions.
The global network includes more than 120k creative professionals, innovation and subject experts.
During my time as a senior designer at jovoto, I developed, implemented and expanded a new corporate design for the brand.
My function: Senior Designer (in house)
Period: 04/2015 – 04/2018
Links: Video opener on YouTube / Logo animation on Vimeo / Greenpeace Opener Vimeo
Designer Tasks
01 Rebranding:
Comprehensive rebranding for the digital and analog brand presence of jovoto.
Continuous development and maintenance of the new corporate design.
- Style Guide: Setting up a Design Style Guide (40 pages) for the rebranding
- Team: Regular rebranding trainings to make it easier to use the new corporate design correctly
- Data Library care: Management of all corporate design materials, documents and content libraries
- Logo redesign 2015 & 2018 (two times)
- Master Templates for: Case Studies, Company Presentation, Corporate Document
- Website Graphics: Infographics, Banners, Illustrations, Key Visuals (implemented by Eduard Tihhonov & Helge Wenk DEV)
- Print: Fact Sheets, Infographics, Event-Posters (A2-A0) & Cards, Business Cards, Books, Flyers, Stickers, Promotional Products
- Exhibition Design for the brand appearance: E.g. “Future of Food and Beverages Think Tank” 2016 at Ritter Butzke
- Motion Design: Animated Video & presentation openers
- Advertising: for brand presence digital and analog (print)
02 Creative Guide of the jovoto community:
- Talent Scout: Portfolio Proofs & Evaluation of creatives for the platform
- Creative Guide: at jovoto’s creative projects (answering questions of the creative participants, commenting their drafts, evaluation)
- Creative Coaching: of the creatives on the jovoto platform to improve their portfolio and skill set
- Iterative Branding, User Experience Design, Scrum
- Sketch, ADOBE CS (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere Pro), Keynote, PowerPoint, Google Products (Slides, Docs, Tables)
- Collaboration Tools: Slack, Asana, Google Comments
Animated logo: it is animated together with the key visual (abstracted planet) I designed.
Use Case: This animation is used for introductions, as a projected loop visual at events,
at the beginning of presentations, and as a video opener.
Landing Page 2018
Website Product Pages 2018
Print: Fact Sheets, Infographics, Business Cards, Stickers
“The jovoto Process” Illustration, Key Visuals
Style Guide
Master Templates for Company Presentation
Master Templates for Case Studies (Applied Example)