Data Organization, IA (Information Architecture) & Redesign
About: vhw – Bundesverband für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung e. V. (Federal Association for Housing and Urban Development) is an established non-profit association with around 2,000 members, mainly municipalities and housing companies. It is committed to the performance of municipalities, a diverse civil society and the strengthening of local democracy through training and research. With around 1,900 events and about 53,000 participants nationwide every year, vhw is one of the leading training providers for managers and employees in administration, municipal companies and the real estate industry.
Visit the vhw website: Link to the final product education & contact
My function: Concepter, UX/UI Designer in a team with Software Engineer My Trang Hong
Period: Spring 2019
Customer: vhw – Bundesverband für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung e. V.
- IA (Information Architecture): site mapping, user flow
- UCD (User Centered Design)
- Mini UX-Workshop with the client & Presentation
- UX & UI Design
- Collaboration with DEV
Designer Tasks
Parameters for the search and filter function
FORTBILDUNGEN (CONTINUING EDUCATIONS) are filtered and structured by:
- Event type (webinars (538 pcs.), face-to-face event (813 pcs.), distance learning course (3 pcs.))
- Keyword, period, topic, state
KONTAKTE (CONTACTS) (subdivided into 5 areas: vhw Bundesverband, Fortbildung, Regional Offices Fortbildung, Forschung, Verlag) are filtered and structured by:
- Areas/Role at vhw
- vhw department
- Title, name, academic degree/education
- Field of activity, responsibility (as title) within vhw
- Location/address, telephone number, e-mail address, federal state
All five contact details can each be additionally filtered and searched by: Subject area, region (north, east, southwest), office, name search.
“Fortbildung”(Continuing Education) default
“Kontakt” (Contact) 02. Fortbildung
“Kontakt” (Contact) 03. Regionale Geschäftsstellen Fortbildung
“Kontakt” (Contact) 04. Forschung